I'm living with breast cancer. I was first diagnosed in 2006 and In 2013 it metastasized to other parts of my body which means it is now Stage 4. This is the kind that kills about 108 women a day yet under 10% of funding goes to research. For 2016 I think I'll start updating whats on my mind and how I feel while I continue on with my chemo and cannabis oil therapy. I know there are others like me who FEAR the CRAP out of the unknown. If it happens, I'm sharing. Hold on to your beanies!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
My sister in law and sister threw me the best Hat party on Sunday. My house was transformed into a pink palace with pink ribbons and balloons and flowers everywhere!
There were about 35 or so women here (with a couple men for good measure) and we had good food, wine (not me), an incredible chocolate fountain, laughs and a TON of hats. It was a riot. I really didn't plan on unveiling my head to a room full but I got caught up in the moment and realized that the house full of women were among the most important people in my life and my biggest supporters! So, off (fell) my scarf and I did it. I donned my bald head for all to see. It was kind of liberating, although I could never walk around like that! It was fun though, as I was then able to try on some of the hats as I opened them. I hope to have some pics to post. Some of these hats were something else!
Among the hats, I was given some beautiful jewelry, cozy pj's, scarfs and lots of other nice things. It was really a special day for me and my sister in law, Patty deserves big kudos for the time and effort she put into this. When I tell you she went above and beyond, I mean it. Hot gluing pink ribbons and pearls on toothpicks? Oh yeah, she went all out! :) Love you, Patty.
And of course a huge thank you to my sister Steph and C-Lou, Pam, Taylor, my mom, mother in law and sister in law and everyone else who contributed to the planning!
I have the best family and friends, THIS is what gets me through.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
With my treatment being last Thursday, I really thought that by my usual Monday/Tuesday after chemo, I'd start to really feel better. Funny thing, my only day that I haven't experienced some nausea was Wednesday. I honestly have been taking my anti-nausea pills around the clock to provide some relief. The odd thing is that my appetite hasn't been spared at all. Now I know why they say that people normally gain weight rather than lose. Great. No hair, feel like crap constantly, and yeah, I get to put on a few pounds! Well, I did just get the word that I can do a form of low impact exercise. They say that most woman get through the chemo better with some form of regular exercise. I'd like to think that I could get into that. I just don't know if I do it between the excruciating bone pain or the disgusting nausea. I'll have to plan that one out.
Sorry for the unbelievable sarcasm tonight but I just planned on taking a really quick shower and I ended up being held hostage by my hair falling out. It is unreal. Every time I touched my head, my hands were covered in hair. I came out and I can literally see my bald head now. What an incredibly bizarre feeling. I never in my life thought I would look like this, or be going through what I am. But, as usual, Jeff makes me feel terrific. He said that I have a nice small head and I look beautiful. Lord am I lucky to have such an incredible husband.
Ok, enough for tonight.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Let's see, my hair is really coming out. I have a trick that I got from a breast cancer message board that has really come in handy. I bought a bunch of lint rollers (pink ribbon ones, can ya stand it?) and I actually roll it on my head. It is bizarre how much hair comes off each time I do this. It sure beats having my hair all over my pillow when I wake up. My oncologist thought that was a pretty neat tip so he plans to tell all his patients. Funny.
My head doesn't really hurt anymore, thank goodness, it just gets really cold! Especially at night. I have a hat and I pull it on and off all night as I go through my hot and cold spells. Jeff told me he woke up yesterday and my little, fuzzy, pink sleep hat was on his chest. I thought that was pretty funny. I look for anything to make me laugh these days! :)
I'm one week post chemo #2 and I feel pretty good. This one definitely got me but nothing that this Tough Warrier Princess can't handle!
Keep thinking Pink!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
My first two days were so much better than my last treatment. The new anti nausea combo along with the hydration on Friday, really made a huge difference. Starting late Saturday morning though, I experienced something new that I am pretty sure I can compare to the pain of Chinese water torture. I'm just not sure if it was the side affects of the flu shot that I got or the side affects from the Nuelasta shot. It could have been a combination. All I know is that I have not experienced pain like this ever in my life. The slightest touch makes me want to jump out of my skin. The pain is unbearable. Pain killers help to dull the pain a bit, but the pain is still there in the background. I hope that's gone when I wake up in the morning. I cannot take much more of this.
On top of that, I learned that it does hurt when your hair falls out. That was something that I couldn't really get a straight answer about. Some people say that they didn't feel it, and some people say that it was very painful. I fell into the latter category. Luckily, my sister was able to come over today and shave my head. Wow was that an experience. She waited until noon because she said she felt better having a glass of wine to help her get through it. A supportive phone call from my brother and sister in law also helped her help me! I think she took it much harder than I did.
Well, it's done. My hair is gone and a bandanna covers the place where I had such a thick, head full of hair. Now we just wait until the rest falls out. I doubt it will take long. My head really hurts.
Off I go, it's time to root for the Pats!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I have to say that so far, I have come through treatment number 2 alot better than the first one.
I was able to change my anti nausea drugs to something alot more heavy duty, and along with another 3 anti nausea drugs that I take in conjunction, I've been saved from any major problems.
I also went back on Friday and had them administer a 2 hour hydration drip that also helped alot. I got my flu shot and my handy dandy Nulasta shot to rebuild my white blood cell count, and I was good to go!
Today I am very tired and my hair has just begun to start it's trip out of my head. I knew it was coming, but I can't say that it makes it any easier. Jeff woke me up at 1:30 this morning to take a pill and I felt the pain in my head and I knew. By the time I woke up at 7:30 and ran my hands through my hair, it was just coming out like I was emptying a hairbrush. Of course I cried. It caught me off guard even though my doctor told me 7-10 days and it's been well over that. I just thought that maybe with my big head of strong hair, that I somehow would be spared and end up in the medical books or something. No such luck.
I'm going to baby my head all day today and tomorrow my sister will come over and just shave it off. They say if you shave it, it will grow back easier and faster. I'm all for that.
Well, that's the latest report on me. Thanks to all of you that have continued to write, send cards, flowers and just keep wishing me well. It means so much to me to have such a strong support system! I'm a very lucky woman!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
There once was a woman who woke up one morning,
looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today!"
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror
and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
"H-M-M," she said,
"I think I'll part my hair down the middle today!"
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.
"Well," she said,
"today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail."
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
"YEA!" she exclaimed,
"I don't have to fix my hair today!"
Attitude is everything.
Be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly..
Leave the rest to God
Monday, January 08, 2007
Within 3 hours of getting home, I started to enjoy the side effects that I have learned so much about. I have since spent the past 5 days with severe nausea, massive headaches from one of the anti-nausea drugs, bone pain from the Nuelasta shot that helps restore my white blood cells, and today I have just begun to experience the mouth sores that I tried so hard to stay away from. I was told that if I ate a popsicle or ice chips during the adriamycin push, that maybe I could prevent mouth sores. Maybe I helped ward them off a little longer but I certainly didn't escape them this time. Basically I have found it difficult to get my head off the pillow for most of the past 5 days.
I think I may have learned the trick with all of the pain meds, and anti-nausea drugs so next time, I can handle it better. I suppose the first time is always the worst because of the unknown. I know now, and I hope I change my strategy for next time.
I'll get there, one day at a time.
Friday, January 05, 2007
I am thrilled with my port. It actually made the whole chemo process so much easier to bear.
Jeff and I got there at 10:45am and were home by 3:30pm. The treatment itself was a piece of cake, what came afterwards at home wasn't so much fun. Put it this way, I was calling myself the rookie yesterday and I guess I was given the "hazing" treatment for my first time in order to join the "club". I had the most miserable night of my life. Nausea and vomiting took over my Thursday "Office and Grey's Anatomy" night. Thank goodness for DVR!
Today I was able to keep some food down and slept most of the day. My sister came over and cut my hair really short, at the advice of my oncologist. He told me that it would be approximately 7-10 days until my hair fell out. I was thinking about starting a pool to see who could guess the day or the closest day to the actual event! Silly, I know but what can I say.
I had to go back to the doctor today in order to get my Neulasta shot which helps rebuild my white blood cells. This is necessary in order to keep up with the every 2 weeks treatment. I'll do whatever it takes to get through this faster!
Well, now that this one is under by belt, I just sit here waiting for the different side effects so I learn how to carry on with a semi normal life during treatments.
I'm just happy to have started the countdown so we can all get back to life B.C.