....the fantastic news that we received today at my Oncology visit with my Doctor.
Let me first take a step back to last week (and then briefly back to Sep & Oct) when it was discovered that the cancer had spread to both of my ovaries. Doesn't seem so but this is really, really good news because I had those puppies yanked last week. Phew, I really dodged that bullet! The pathology came back after the surgery & the surgeon called to let me know that they had found breast cancer cells in both ovaries. There is no problem and the timing could not have been better. In this case, the old cliche is true. Everything happens for a reason.
I won't harp on September & October but I was mad at my MD. Pissed in fact. We had been seeing him literally every month since June 2013 but all of a sudden hadn't for 2 months. Just yesterday or so I went on one of my entertaining rants, who really only the animals heard, about how if he wasn't there today for our appointment then I was going to start the search for a new oncologist. We had stuff to talk about; low cancer markers, healing spine tumors (that looked like bigger, growing, tumors to an Internal Med Dr so of course that freaked me out understandably (right??)
I needed to talk to him. Dr. C. Not his nurse. Please, for his sake, show up. For Jeff's sake for having to listen to me all day, show up! For Pete's sake I let them take my ovaries and give them to science so in my mind, the least he could do was show his face today to give me the game plan on what's happening on the go forward. Does this sound like too much to ask by a woman who has been "managing" Stage 4 Breast Cancer for over a year? Yeah, me either. Cool.
I was completely calm this morning because I was fully expecting the NP, Nurse Practitioner to meet with us. Again. For the 3rd month in a row. See why I'm so mad? I feel like he kicked me to the curb to go play with a more challenging cancer situation, maybe. Cancer jealousy - is that a thing? Anyway, I was all set to get mad all over again when Dr. C. walked in the door with another (young) Doctor in Residence. I looked and Jeff and he looked at me with that look of "Oh thank GOD he's here".
Either way it was a win/win for Jeff since he got to ask a lot of questions and thanks to him and because of that fantastic news I mentioned WAY UP THERE ^ at the beginning of this long winded update, I didn't have to start back on chemo today and if all goes well with my next cancer markers (we should know tomorrow) and the PET scan we'll do shortly, I could possibly be free of thrice monthly chemo treatments for what we pray this time, is a VERY, VERY, VERY, long time.
And THAT my friends and family, is what I am THANKFUL for.
Timing is everything.
Happy Thanksgiving.