The kids are still living in North Carolina and working and going to school, and I miss them dearly, Jeff & I are closing on our NH house the end of this month, and we're living in Scottsdale Arizona and loving it. Jeff's transferred to the Phoenix Biltmore office of MFS and I was fortunate enough to take my Fairmont Bermuda Sales position with me out here. We drove cross country with Maizy Daizy and Fishstick and just rescued a little 6 year old pug named Remo. We've met some wonderful friends here, the sun shines EVERY day and Life couldn't be better.
June 11th I ended up in Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix. Long, long story short, after a few months of just not feeling right, I was diagnosed by the good doctors at Mayo with a breast cancer reoccurrence. After weeks of xrays, CT scans, bone biopsy, PET scan and oodles of blood tests, it's been determined. My cancer IS back and the little bastard C. Cells have invaded my bones, lung, nodes and abdomen. WTF. I've been living in remission since April 2007 and have been tested as best science knows how to give me the "clean bill of health" every year since then. BULLSHIT. There's no way this came on in the last year. But whatever, not a lot I can do now but surround myself with positive family & friends. pray, stay positive and do what my oncologist suggests I do to get this Stage IV, metastases under control so I can go back to living as normal a life as I possibly can. They say people live decades. I'm going to be one of those people. I'm not done here yet! FUCK CANCER people. Really, just FUCK CANCER.
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