Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Nothing but positive

I havent updated in a while.  Since I am thriving off of everyone's positive mojo and good vibes, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer to counteract it all!
I'll post some of the fun and exciting stuff that's going on and I'll leave the yucky stuff for inside these 4 walls.  Just because I have to deal with it doesn't mean you have to too!

  • Frankie came out for a nice visit to look after his "Ma Dukes" while I went through treatment #3. It wasn't super fun for him one day but overall we had an ok week of side effects. I just got to have a little one on one with Lyssa a couple weeks ago so I feel very blessed that I was able to spend some time with each of my kids
  • This past week was another week of oodles of well wishes in the form of cards, flowers and chemo care packages. What fun! Here's just a glimpse of some of the fun things that showed up on my doorstep: 

Thank you so much Anne for the care package and while I couldn't be there live to see Mike Viola. you sent him to me the best way you could've!! Thank you so much, this makes me very happy! (poor Jeff, I promise I won't ring the bell too much)

Jamie and Jess, thank you so much! Mystery solved and I love it!!! And yes, it does get cool enough in the Valley to wear sweatshirts out here and you will see this on me! Thank you, thank you, thank you! xxoo

  • NO TREATMENT THIS WEEK! Yeah!! This is my "off" week

  • Um, and last but not least, I leased a 2013 BMW 335Ci OH MY GOD what was I thinking? Oh yeah, I know, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!  (and all those other cliches)
So my vision is of Maizy Daizy and Remo's little ears flapping in the wind this fall as we road trip to Cali. LOL.  Can you see it now? 

Tomorrow I have an actual appointment with my Doctor and I think another chest xray to see how things are going.  I'll update once I have something worth posting. 

I have 2 very good friends coming back to back, one from Bermuda tomorrow and the other from Boston next week.  I'm hoping I have at least 1 adventure to blog about :)

Thanks everyone, for your continued support and love and positive energy. 
TKO365 (knocking out cancer, 365 days a year)

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