I met this young man somewhere in my social media "cancer" circles. Nicolas was diagnosed with stomach cancer in August 2013. I met him not long after that and we shared stories - all positive. He loved my new BMW, he told me it was "rad" and that he had one too. He moved from Kansas to LA to work on his dream of working on films and documentaries and he loved music. Once he found out he was sick he decided to turn that diagnosis into a positive thing to help others. He had a vision to start his site to help other patients & survivors in the cancer community to not feel so alone & have someone to reach out to after diagnosis, during treatment and beyond. Nic really got a great start on the project; his own personal videos of his treatments were on You Tube, his website was up & back at home in Kansas they held a successful fundraiser to keep his dream alive. Sadly I just learned that Nic passed away in November. At age 29. I hope & pray that someone will pick up his project and make it a reality in his memory. There's plenty of cancer out there but there aren't enough positive people with cancer who also want to share good things and leave behind their legacy for others.
RIP Nicolas Isley
I only knew you a short while but you were quite an inspiration http://www.nicolasisley.com
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