Friday, July 03, 2015

Still 'NED' No evidence of (active) disease

I've been super behind in updates here and I'm embarrassed to say that I am trying to get better at writing so I've been seeking out advice from my personal "Grand Master" writer and agonizing over what to post next or rather how to "fix" what I've written. This is where I get stuck. I lose motivation so easily so I'm working on that. In the meantime, here's a quick update off the cuff.

My "innumerable" tumors (as written in my radiology notes) are still chilling,  keeping the party quiet so I'm still good. The latest scans showed no new cancer.

I  told my onco that I'm really not taking the Letrozole any more. Maybe 1-2 times a week if that. And at this point, why bother? I hate it. It ruins my life. The side effects; my aching bones, my headaches, my TMJ - I'm not sure if that's just the s/e of the Gemzar shot I get monthly or a s/e of the Letrozole. Either way, it sucks. My personal opinion is that they don't work anyway and all those cancer meds do is play with your mind and ruin your quality of life.

My favorite side effect of all side effects? The intense dizziness that literally keeps me from getting behind the wheel of a car. Anyone else know what it feels like to have a car sitting in the driveway & things to do but you can't drive most days? It's especially painful when that car costs you another mortgage. All kidding aside though, it stinks.

People don't agree with my choice, or like it very much but it's my choice.  I realize I'm pretty much taking my life in my hands by not taking anything pharmaceutical but rather relying on changes in diet, alternative medicines, different Ancient Chinese Therapies & attitude to keep me alive. That's my decision to make.

Stay tuned for more on that...

(Here's hoping it goes well...)

Peace, Love & Life

*Full Discloser - I don't give a rats ass about grammar or spelling mistakes at the moment so don't judge

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