Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rewind the clock

I have to write this fast before I forget why I am here, and what I was doing that prompted me to jump on here at 10pm to write a post. 

Too late.

Oh, right. Thank goodness I had already typed the title of this post so it jolted my memory. It's bad folks. And so bad that I apologize to everyone I talk to for asking the same questions multiple times over. 

I was on FaceBook and I was doing my normal routine which is to annoyingly like everything that my friends or family post. I do like it. And I want them to know that I like it and I am thinking of them. (I digress...) I was flipping through my timeline or whatever it may be called these days, and I saw different people and pictures of things that may have been posted some time ago but are now in the forefront because someone commented on it. Well tonight I realized how much of the past year I have truly missed.  I am not complaining or even whining. I'm literally just coming to the realization right now. Tonight. I saw pictures for what I thought was for the first time but sure enough, there's my little blue "like" button all lit up. I saw it. I liked it. I forgot it. Completely. 

This is just one small part of the short term and long term side effects of chemotherapy (and yes, menopause too to an extent). There are many. I have many and I will post about that topic soon.