Saturday, December 21, 2013

As I write this we are 35,000 feet in the air on our flight back to Boston for the holidays. There's nothing like family to celebrate the season with and especially after the summer we had, dealing with the treatments of my second breast cancer diagnosis.

At our last Doctor appointment at the beginning of November, we learned from my PET scan results that my cancer has responded really well to my treatments. This includes the chemo, hormonal and CBD pills and the concentrated oils program I've been on. We believe that all have worked together to get me to this point. As Dr. C said, my results were dramatic! All great news and it meant that I would finish up my last 3 treatments and my 15th and last treatment was on November 29th.

It's a little scary to be done actually. As odd as it sounds, I'm happy to have my power port still and I call it my lifeline to the Mayo and with it, I feel like I won't be forgotten about! It's a scary thing to be cast out on my own after spending the last 6 months under a watchful eye every week.

What's next? Well I'm back to work. I started back the Monday after my last treatment.  So far so good. I've even already taken my first business trip since being back. I spent a few days in our NY office for a team meeting and holiday dinner with our GMs and our Regional Director. It was so nice to be back at it and was so great to see all of my colleagues who have wished me well for all of these months.

Right after the holidays I'm having another PET scan and a series of labs to see where I am now that I've finished chemo. I'm very anxious to see the results.

I'm feeling fairly well. My fatigue has gotten much better but my hot flashes and night drenchings haven't let up. I'm taking a medication that was prescribed to me "off label" to help with the hot flashes. It has helped a little bit but I'm still not loving this quality of life. I'm trying another med that is also supposed to help so fingers crossed it works.

In the meantime, we're looking forward to a great trip back to Boston! Everything will be put on hold while we enjoy our family and friends and put cancer behind us for a bit!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!


Cameron VSJ said...

Hi Tracy! My wife is a fellow cancer survivor going on 8 years now. I was reading up on your journey just now and had a quick question. I was hoping that you could email me back when you have a moment. I really appreciate it, thanks!

- Cameron

Unknown said...

Hi Cameron, I am so sorry, I guess I don't this set up to alert me when I get a message so I truly apologize for not seeing this until now! Let me know what I can help with. Tracy