Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm sitting here at 2:30 am wondering if I should:

A. Call my doctor in Boston
B. Call my urologist at Mayo
C. Wake up my peacefully sleeping husband who also had a rough day?

This is what "doing great" looks like in the life of a cancer lifer. Without getting too descriptive, my dilemma is that I'm having further issues like the ones that put me smack dab in a bed at the emergency room at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston last Saturday night which happened to be my eldest child's 25th birthday. What a night.

So these were the questions I was asking myself last night, or rather early this morning, after feeling a not so comfy feeling in my gut plus pains that flashed me back to the worst menstrual cramps I ever had like back when I was 16 or so. Mind you, I was catapulted into 'chemopause' 2 years ago when my ovaries were removed.

I remained calm, which is pretty easy to do for me these days, and I paged my doctor back in Boston.

Once I got his call, he immediately went into his calming explanation of why I am feeling like I did and why what was happening was happening. So, over to you, Ms. Urologist. She is ready to take on whatever needs to be done. I saw her Monday and at that time, a 4th set of kidney stents wasn't necessary at this point. Yay.

So I managed to escape an ED visit along with zero sleep while I was poked and prodded while they tried to figure it out.

He knew exactly what it was. It happened last Saturday night. The lesion on my bladder has been acting up but it's not life threatening. And I trust him. So I went to sleep. And I woke up and tomorrow is another day. I can now be comfortable spending time doing other things now that I am finally confident in my health team and their strategy to provide me quality of life.

Peace and Love

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