Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just an update
Let's see, my hair is really coming out. I have a trick that I got from a breast cancer message board that has really come in handy. I bought a bunch of lint rollers (pink ribbon ones, can ya stand it?) and I actually roll it on my head. It is bizarre how much hair comes off each time I do this. It sure beats having my hair all over my pillow when I wake up. My oncologist thought that was a pretty neat tip so he plans to tell all his patients. Funny.

My head doesn't really hurt anymore, thank goodness, it just gets really cold! Especially at night. I have a hat and I pull it on and off all night as I go through my hot and cold spells. Jeff told me he woke up yesterday and my little, fuzzy, pink sleep hat was on his chest. I thought that was pretty funny. I look for anything to make me laugh these days! :)

I'm one week post chemo #2 and I feel pretty good. This one definitely got me but nothing that this Tough Warrier Princess can't handle!

Keep thinking Pink!


Unknown said...

hey Tracy,

You must have thought i had abandoned you...well i haven't. I pull up your blog almost every day to read the updates. thanks so much for keeping us all up to date.

you are a very brave "TWP" and before you know it all 8 sessions will be over and done with.

can't wait to see you in Bermuda this summer.

hang in there and keep the blog updates comming!

always thinking of you,
Nisha xoxo

msazzie said...

Hi Tracy,

I bet you'll look ADORABLE bald! Have fun at your hat party this weekend..

Keep up the good work :)


Unknown said...

Hi Tracy,

Hang in there - I hope you feel better soon! I think about you every day, and check your Blog often for updates.
All the best,