Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hey everybody It's Frankie just updating moms blog since she can't. As everyone already knows, today is her surgery and we all hope she turns out fine. I hope she kicks its @$$! So I got some very good news from Jeff that the doctors found no cancer in her lymph nodes which is very good! I will be updating this everyday until she recovers and can get back to this herself. Good luck to her and we hope for the best. And thank you again to everyone who comments and really shows their love for my mom, I really appreciate it. I love you mom and good luck with everything. -Frankie


galknit said...

Tracy: This is Jean DeVeber. I am thinking of you today. I have a daughter, Michelle, the same age as you and I can only begin to try to understand what you are faced with. As you said, and everything I have read, a positive attitude is so important to the road to recovery. That is something I know you have. I see your smile and I know you are a winner. I am anxious to follow your recovery thru this Blog. You have a lot of friends and you will hear from them. Thanks for keeping all of us involved. I send you 100 kisses and hugs.

Annie said...

Hi Tracy, Hope that every day you will feel better and that you can have a quick recovery so you can join your family and friends. Try to watch a lot of funny movies/shows it definitly works! And as soon as you can walk (this increases your white blood counts) drink tons of water too. You are not alone in this new journey. Just reach out and we are there for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs Annie de Veer (Aruba)

Kathy said...

Dear Tracy- After speaking to you the other day I know in my heart you will be just fine. I am here for you if you need anything at all. We will celebrate the fact that you are fully recovered soon-hopefully in Aruba. I will check in on you next week. Thinking of you!!!

jensantry said...

Hi Tracy,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today and everyday. Please remember every day you wake up you are one day closer to beating this. I want to say be strong but that is a given. You are amazing women and never forget that.
Jen Santry