Saturday, November 18, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Andy here. Tracy's home from the hospital today. She's out raking leaves and power-washing the house.

Actually, she's camped out on the couch with Messy the cat - the doctors and nurses say she's doing remarkably well. Thank you for all the posts on the blog, the cards, the flowers, thoughts and prayers.


Jackie said...

Welcome home, Mighty Tracy, Warrior and Slayer of Breast Cancer!!!!

I can't wait to see you Friday! In keeping with the "Think Pink" theme, I suggest that we use "I'm Comin' Up (So You Better Get This Party Started)" as the anthem for my visit ;)

I love you so much,
Uncle Jackie

Chrissy Lou said...

Welcome Home! I'm hoping you'll be up for a visit from me and Bubbles on Monday. I'll touch base with you before then. I can't wait to see you.

We're thinking of you!
Chrissy, Phil, & Bubbles