Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hey everyone it's me Frankie again. I visited my mom earlier after her surgery around 6:40 to about 8:00 and she was doing pretty good. She has a very bad pain in her chest and it hurts for her to move. She has got up and walked a few times over the day but it hurts her chest still. Wish her luck that she will recover quickly and get back home to the family because she probably misses us already (had to give myself some credit) lol. Well im very happy that she's doing ok and hope she can come back soon. I love you Mommy!!!!


Caroline said...

Dear Tracy,

I'm so glad that the surgery went well and that there is no cancer in your lymph nodes! I have been thinking of you a lot today, as I know all the "Concord girls" have! (My Mom has been thinking of you all day too!)

You have such an incredible attitude and I am so proud of you! You are an inspiration! And a reminder to remember what is truly important in life- connections with family & friends, love & laughter, health & happiness, and enjoying every moment!

Praying for your speedy recovery! And looking forward to our tropical girls getaway!

Jeff, Alyssa & Frankie-I know you will take good care of her!

Peace, love & light,

Unknown said...

I can't believe how great you looked last night - you are one tough girl, Tracy.

Here's to a speedy recovery.

We love you,

Andy, Patty, and Taylor.

tom said...

Well Tracy, it looks like your race on the road to recovery has begun with a head start!!

Yesterday and today are the first two days of what will be both a difficult, yet uplifting time as you celebrate each day of your personal winning battle. Continue to stay strong and positive as you have demonstrated to everyone thus far! You have amazed me with your true grit and extraordinary outlook!! We, at TNT and TNG have you in our thoughts and will be wearing it on our sleeves... all day in honor of you!

Rest soon.

Warmest get well wishes,

Tom D.
"The Office"

Jamie said...

Tracy - you're such a trooper. I'm truly admire your courage and strength. I have a lot to learn from you!! I'm so happy to hear that your surgery was a success. Now rest up, and don't think for a minute about signing onto your work email again! Be well, see you soon!!


Karen said...

Hi! When Andy told me your news, my heart sank. I thought about you all day yesterday. I am so happy that the surgery went well and that you have maintained such a wonderful spirit throughout all of this! You are such an incredible person!

I hope you have a speedy recovery. Please remember that I'm only about 30 minutes away, so please feel free to contact me if you need anything.

Take care and my best to your family!

Karen (from Garber)